
Join us as we make our way through works by Whitney Bauman, Nils Bubandt, Octavia Butler, Jeremy Davies, Heather Davis & Zoe Todd, Nicola Davison, Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis, Gandhi, Donna Haraway, Katharine Hayhoe, Winona LaDuke, Fabrice Monteiro, Sara Pike, Emily Raboteau, Deborah Bird Rose, Jill Schneiderman, Roy Scranton, Vandana Shiva, Will Steffen, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Françoise Vergès, Carol Wayne White, Lynn White, Kyle Powys Whyte and Kathryn Yusoff and explore religious texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, Dao De Jing and Earthseed.


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