
Showing posts from December 20, 2020

Reflection: Quinn

The New Gods of the Anthropocene This summer, I had the privilege to visit the Redwood forest of Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Within Big Basin lies one of the oldest preserved stands of old growth Redwoods, some trees are even older than the Roman Empire . It was one of the most beautiful places that I’ve ever been.  Big Basin pre-CZU Fire There was a moment while I was hiking, when my boyfriend and I decided to be completely silent. We stopped and listened to the forest. Redwoods are so tall, that the life in the canopy is almost silent to those on the ground. In the crowns of the forest, there is an entire ecosystem. On the forest floor, it is almost unnoticeable. Ferns grew perfectly framed by little triangles of sun that made it through the forest, and a thick carpet of loam covered all the walking trails.  A couple of weeks after I left Big Basin, I began ‘Religion in the Anthropocene’, a class which has ultimately expanded my view of God, as well as helped me to understand the