
Showing posts from December 18, 2020

The God Species Evolves: Mori Art Museum’s “Future & the Arts: AI, Robotics, Cities, Life”

The direction in which the whole of humanity currently seems to be headed towards isn’t that of prosperity or growth, but perhaps the pressure of unavoidable consequences is what is needed in order to envision and erect a new world; both a return to nature and the returning of nature. We are, as some Anthropocene theorists have put it, the newly revealed god species capable of choosing our planetary destiny. The exhibition Future and the Arts: AI, Robotics, Cities, Life - How Humanity Will Live Tomorrow which ran from November of 2019 through to March of 2020 at the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo attempts to give context to the unimaginable and proposes solutions to the issues of now and those of the future.  Future of the Arts included 64 participants with over 100 works from across the globe, ranging across mediums, processes, design phases, and content. The exhibition was divided into five sections, two of which were most impactful in visualizing our imminent future. The first of these