
Showing posts from September 15, 2020

Bomb Spike: Nicola Davison’s “The Anthropocene epoch: have we entered a new phase of planetary history?”

Nicola Davison is a freelance journalist based out of London. She has written for The Guardian , The New York Times , Vice , and CNN. Her articles focus on technological innovation and its impact on China and the greater world. The article we read, “ The Anthropocene epoch: have we entered a new phase of planetary history? ” appeared in The Guardian on May 30, 2019, and discusses the struggles of the scientific community, especially geologists such as Jan Zalasiewicz, in labeling the Anthropocene as a new geological epoch distinct from the Holocene.  “The Anthropocene epoch: have we entered a new phase of planetary history?” is a piece of journalism that provides a timeline contextualizing the use of the term “Anthropocene.” Davison starts with Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen’s outburst in a meeting room in February 2000, claiming that scientists should “Stop saying the Holocene! We’re not in the Holocene anymore,” then moves us to the struggle among geologists to legitimize the term with